“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.”
Make sure you have all the necessary tools for the project. Can’t find a specific tool that you are looking for? Feel free to submit an idea for a future post.
Blog Categories:
Getting Started in Counseling
In Part 3 of this 4 part series, we take a closer look at some stigmas and common myths related to therapy. Nothing but the fact here.
In Part 2 of this series, prepare to venture out to deep waters in search of something more.
The New Year can bring about a fresh start or an opportunity to take things up a notch. Are you ready?! Look at Part 1 of a 4 part series that journeys into discovering new possibilities.
Preparing for the road ahead, includes being aware of what baggage you are bringing with you.
Combating Negative Thought Patterns
In life, we often find ourselves metaphorically stuck in the wrong gear, facing challenges that seem insurmountable. Just as a vehicle struggles when in the wrong gear, our lives can feel stagnant or overwhelming when we're not in sync with our surroundings. When life gets the better of us. This blog explores the correlations between being stuck in the wrong gear and navigating life's obstacles. Join us as we uncover valuable insights on perseverance, resilience, and the importance of finding the healthy approach to move forward. Let's shift gears together and conquer life's challenges with confidence and determination.
When it comes to our thoughts and our perceptions, how do we really know what is real and not real? How many of us would consider ourselves expert mind readers? Believing we know exactly what someone else is thinking, without ever having to ask them.
I’m all in! Go big or go home! Leave everything on the field! It’s all or nothing! Any one of these phrases are common to us as men. Whether it was on the sports field, in our friend groups, or in our business life, it is about giving it everything you have. Going all out. Leaving no stone unturned. We see it routinely in present day on the gridiron. It occurs over and over in the World Series of Poker when a guy pushes his chips into the middle of the table and declares, “All in!”
The heat of summer and the harmful UV rays of the sun are not the only important thing to protect yourself from these days. There is another kind of UV that can reach havoc on our mental fortitude. So grab your mental sunscreen to help from getting scorched.
In the first half of this two parter we looked at what made up a ‘Fixed Mindset’. Now we discuss a 'Growth Mindset' and explore the differences between them. We will also identify a key factor to cultivate growth, all in an effort to help you reach your full potential and avoid pitfalls like perfectionism, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
We hear it at times that someone is "in the zone" or "locked in". It typically means someone is focused and performing at a high level. So what could possibly be the drawback of being fixed on something? And how does having a fixed mindset relate to 80's rock?! Join us in this first of a two part series.
In a reboot of the old line "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas," we take a look at the pitfalls of a life overrun with "shoulds" and "musts".
Happy Groundhog Day!!
This entry gives nod to the 1993 Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day and his nightmare of relieving the 2nd of February over…and over…and over again.
Parenting, Children, Family
Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I learned that very early in life. I learned other valuable lessons in (what I call) Family Unit 101. Come answer the question, "Who are the most important people in your family?"
While you likely do not have a "devil" child, perhaps they are difficult more days than not. And it probably didn't happen overnight. We will take a look at 5 common parenting missteps and 5 alternative approaches.
Children experiment and tinker with manipulating things from an early age trying to figure out how the world works. All the while they are learning how to get things to work in their favor. Maneuvering these situations as parents can be a messy job. We will discuss the importance of navigating the no's.
To be or not to be...that is the question! When it comes to fidget spinners, the choose could be quite simple. My child wants one. It seems harmless. It is supposed to help. I'll get them one. Come along as we probe deeper and explore the pros and cons of fidget spinners and if they aid with what they purport.
In a child's mind, the days of summer bring great freedom from the "shackling" structure and daily routine of school and homework. Parents enjoy the break as well. Inevitably, summer will bring on the boredom blues. Take some steps in your family to battle boredom head on!
The Whisper Technique. This is a way to return the power of play to a child, putting them in the driver's seat long before they even have their learner's permit.
Dealing with defiance during the holidays. Three ways to arm yourself for what lies ahead.
Stress & Anxiety
In the 1999 sports drama film “For Love of the Game,” Kevin Costner battles not just opposing teams, but also his inner demons and external distractions. Costner’s character Billy Chapel, amid a critical game, employs a technique he calls, “clear the mechanism”, to shut out the noise and focus solely on the task at hand. This scene offers profound insights into the importance of eliminating negative distractions in pursuit of success, a lesson applicable far beyond the baseball field.
While stress is inevitable, operating in overload is simply unhealthy. As life has gone on it has become more complicated than a game of tag or which flavored popsicle to grab from the freezer. Take pause to do some self evaluation and identify your common pitfalls. Then plot a new route to a healthier more stress free life.
Christmas time is here! Are you on the naughty or nice list? Are you full of excitement, disdain, or perhaps both? The holidays can be a source of great stress, so how about three helpful tips to managing stress this holiday season.
How do you ensure success? Can you? What makes failure so difficult?! Does it get a bad rap? Do you have the ability to navigate whatever result comes your way? We will look at walking the often fine line between success and failure.
Sometimes in our pursuit for great things we forget an important part of the journey is...have fun! We will take a look at both the importance of self-care as well as gratitude and the role they play in enjoying life and all it has to offer.
Taking Action
Some people grow wary of planning because it feels rigid, slow, and bureaucratic. For them, agility, freedom, flexibility is paramount. What if planning doesn’t have to be the enemy of being agile. Four approaches to planning, including how to adjust on the fly. Take a step toward success.
Finish this sentence, ”Why on earth is it so difficult to motivate _______.” Perhaps it is a child, family member, friend, a co-worker, or yourself. When it seems that someone else is stuck and you feel like you’ve exhausted all your options, perhaps it is time to reevaluate your approach. Time to changes things up and help that person ascend higher.
Summer rolls around and the latest summer blockbusters appear on the screen. This Summer blockbuster is a two for one special!! We'll cover two different aspects of "taking action". First within family life and then with the counseling setting.
Cultivating our own happyness is a daily choice that we each make as we journey through the day. It isn't something that materializes overnight, it takes practice to get there. Take these 5 steps toward establishing a practice of gratitude.
Halloween time is right around the corner. It is full of costumes and masks. However, Halloween is not the only time that people wear masks. Are you or someone you know one of these people? Answer these 7 questions and gain deeper insight into yourself or a loved one.
As another summer break comes to an end take time to celebrate the moments you had, embrace any sorrow you might feel, and set a clear course for what lies ahead.
One of the questions I routinely encounter this time of year is from families and individuals deciding whether to keep (or start) therapy appointments going during the summer. Look at these 10 points to help you determine what is best for you or your child this summer.
Whether or not you or your child play Fortnite, it has become hard to avoid. Second hand Fortnite is real. The concerns of obsessive or even addictive game play is all the more real as well. There is too much of a good thing. So, how do navigate all of it? How are you practicing prudence and temperance?
How is technology impacting your family? You be the judge.
We continue our discussion on a hot topic for many families, technology.
We are in the age of technology. Daily advances offer us many wonderful and even life saving benefits. So it begs the question, what is the cost? Lets discuss the world of technology in this 3 part series as we consider the question, am I or my family addicted to the glow?
There are things we may not like about ourselves, or that others don’t care for about us. The same character trait can also be celebrated in other situations. Lets look at each attachment style, and the benefit we and others may experience.
In the intricate web of human relationships, few concepts are as fundamental and impactful as attachment theory. Attachment refers to the emotional bond between individuals, especially between infants and caregivers, that lays the foundation for healthy development and well-being throughout life. This bond is not just crucial in childhood but continues to shape how we relate to others as we become adults.
Do you know someone who is hurting and reaching out for help, but you are not sure what to say or do? Lets look at the common snags and bridges to offering comfort to someone in need.
This is the final entry of a three part series in which we have explored cultivating relationships. First we looked at each of our individual responsibility to being open to growing in order to nurture connection. We then shifted to the importance of knowing our personal nature as well as the makeup of others in order to influence those same relationships. In this final entry we will focus on ways to cultivate a loving connection. We will do this through the lens of the Five Love Languages.
In Part 1 (of 3) we talked about how we are all in relationship with various people in our life. We took a closer look at parent child dynamics. We also spoke about the call of parents to mold children. But children aren't the only ones to evolve and grow, parents are called to that as well. In order to do so, we want to first establish a starting point. In this 2nd entry we will be looking at the nature part of the nature vs. nurture conversation.
As parents we are given great power in the lives of our children. In this 3 part series we are going to enter into reflection about parenting with love. Growing our children through growing ourselves.
Personal Growth
Do you see good intentions as the starting line or the finish line? The green flag or the checkered flag? What is the underlining reason you are struggling to keep pace?
Adversity. The word itself might make you cringe. It sounds heavy, troubling or even icky, like a slug or snail. A vat of thick molasses intended to get you stuck. Many people will go to great lengths in order to avoid adversity. Other will try to attack it with brawn, others their brain. If adversity is like standing at a big chasm, what is the bridge to crossing it?
Several years ago I came across an intriguing art form, that holds tremendous insights. Kintsugi, or Kintsukuroi, is the centuries-old Japanese art of fixing broken pottery. The name poetically translates to, “golden joinery.” While it’s origins aren't entirely clear, historians believe that it dates back to the late 15th century. Kintsugi has long represented prevalent philosophical ideas.
Finding the right therapist can take some time. Where do you start?! In this final entry of the 4 part series, we look at some helpful steps to help you reach that goal.