The New Year can bring a fresh start, perhaps a second chance, or a continuation of the current adventure. Whichever it is, it involves movement and change. Life is full of it. And so it begs the question, are you ready for it?
““And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.””
Change comes in all sorts of different forms and fashions, whether it be a new relationship/marriage, new child, new home, new job, new school, new health/medical issues, new financial challenges, new behavioral issues with your child, a new hobby, new losses (i.e. relationship/marriage, loved one, home, job), new revelation about yourself or someone else, and much more. Maybe your change is looking for something new from something old.
Finding the courage to navigate the terrain of these life situations can be daunting. It calls to mind for me an Adventure Therapy course I took in graduate school and the high ropes elements we traversed 20 to 40 feet off the ground, including wires, suspension bridges, ziplines, and a “leap of faith,” to name a few. I have since facilitated numerous groups on the same high ropes courses. The various obstacles can be difficult and downright paralyzing for some people. At times, an encouraging word or seeing their friends and peers complete obstacles has given them the needed confidence or courage to take the risk and push forward.
So what about in life when there isn’t anyone else offering a lead for you to follow or a safety harness to keep you from falling? It’s just the vast unknown you are trying to navigate by yourself. Continue the journey in Part 2.