“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ”
Working with adolescents (15+ years old) is not just a part of our practice it is a passion. Counseling is something that most people enter into in reaction to something, and less in being proactive to potential challenges. A big motivator in working with teens is to help them tackle and resolve things before adulthood arrives. This in part, relates to the science of the brain, and addressing things while the brain is still highly malleable.
As the parent bringing your child in, you can expect to be involved throughout the entire process. The open line of communication starts with you at the initial session and continues with conversations throughout the process. Your input is invaluable to bringing about change and we have an open door policy so you are always welcome to reach out.
In working with your teen, we incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidenced based approach, to bring about the change you are looking for. Of course it is also appropriate at times to incorporate family sessions. Our goal is to help your adolescent gain the tools and skillsets to be prepared for life and all that inevitably comes their way.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”