In the 1999 sports drama film “For Love of the Game,” Kevin Costner battles not just opposing teams, but also his inner demons and external distractions. Costner’s character Billy Chapel, amid a critical game, employs a technique he calls, “clear the mechanism”, to shut out the noise and focus solely on the task at hand. This scene offers profound insights into the importance of eliminating negative distractions in pursuit of success, a lesson applicable far beyond the baseball field.
Fortnite...Friend or Foe?
Whether or not you or your child play Fortnite, it has become hard to avoid. Second hand Fortnite is real. The concerns of obsessive or even addictive game play is all the more real as well. There is too much of a good thing. So, how do navigate all of it? How are you practicing prudence and temperance?
Is This Really My Child?
Experimenters in Manipulation
Children experiment and tinker with manipulating things from an early age trying to figure out how the world works. All the while they are learning how to get things to work in their favor. Maneuvering these situations as parents can be a messy job. We will discuss the importance of navigating the no's.