Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I learned that very early in life. I learned other valuable lessons in (what I call) Family Unit 101. Come answer the question, "Who are the most important people in your family?"
Is This Really My Child?
Experimenters in Manipulation
Children experiment and tinker with manipulating things from an early age trying to figure out how the world works. All the while they are learning how to get things to work in their favor. Maneuvering these situations as parents can be a messy job. We will discuss the importance of navigating the no's.
To Fidget or Not to Fidget...
To be or not to be...that is the question! When it comes to fidget spinners, the choose could be quite simple. My child wants one. It seems harmless. It is supposed to help. I'll get them one. Come along as we probe deeper and explore the pros and cons of fidget spinners and if they aid with what they purport.